WinUI app crashing when you scroll? Here's how to fix it

Years ago, Microsoft introduced this bug in WinUI 2, which can cause WinUI 2 apps to crash then you scroll to the bottom of a scrollable area in a ScrollViewer. You may have noticed this bug in built-in Microsoft apps such as the Microsoft Store, as they use WinUI. This bug was partially addressed in Windows 11, but can still occur. 

Luckily, the bug only occurs with WinUI 2 and not plain UWP, so, to fix it, we can just use the UWP ScrollViewer style instead. To do this, just apply a blank style to all or just the offending ScrollViewers like so:

<Style TargetType="ScrollViewer"/>

 When you create your own style, it inherits from the UWP styles instead of the WinUI 2 styles, as explained here.

You could apply it to an individual ScrollViewer like this:

<ScrollViewer.Style> <Style TargetType="ScrollViewer"/>


Or all of them in App.xaml like so:



<Style TargetType="ScrollViewer"/>



Could even give it a key like so and then reference it wherever needed:



<Style x:Key="UWPScrollViewerStyle" TargetType="ScrollViewer"/>



<ScrollViewer Style="{StaticResource UWPScrollViewerStyle}"/>

The Style class can also be initialised and applied from code if need be.


ScrollViewer.Style = new Style(typeof(ScrollViewer));


ScrollViewer.Style = New Style(GetType(ScrollViewer))

This snippet is available in Codly. Click the download link below to download the snippet. If you don't have Codly, it is available here in the Microsoft Store.


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